Bangladesh CFT Data Recording Formats
This document contains:
- Record of Transport, which should be completed for every consignment of regulated transgenic plant material.
- Record of Storage, which should be completed for each lot of regulated plant material/seed placed into storage and each Record of Storage should be identified with a unique inventory control number.
- Record of Storage Inspection, which should be completed once every four weeks by the Facility in-Charge to ensure that storage conditions are maintained so that unintended release of regulated transgenic plant material do not occur.
- Record of Planting, which should be completed to document the planting of all regulated plant material at a field trial site.
- Record of Spatial Isolation, which should be used to record every inspection, including removal or plants as may be necessary.
- Record of Harvest / Termination, which should be completed following harvest or termination of confined field trials and disposition of regulated plant material at a single trial site.
- Record of Post-Harvest Monitoring, because trial sites should be inspected for the presence of prohibited plants at least once every two weeks during the growing season for the one-year post harvest period.
- Record of Corrective Action, which should be used to document all corrective actions taken to manage or resolve a solution involving the accidental release of regulated plant material during transport and/or storage or any breach of the terms and conditions of authorization of the confined field trial or during the post-harvest monitoring period.