Biotechnology Policy Documents

Below is a list of useful documents related to biotechnology policy in Bangladesh.

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  • Click here to view all documents related to biosafety regulation in Bangladesh linked on this website.

Year/StatusLanguageDocument NameDescription
2012BanglaNational Biotechnology Policy - 2012

The main goal of the policy is to ensure sustainable development of agriculture-food and other crops; nutrition; health; environment and livelihood of people, enhance agricultural competitiveness in relation to global standards.

2012BanglaNational Biotechnology Policy - 2012 - Action Plan

The action plan was formulated as per the National Biotechnology Policy 2012 to achieve its vision and objectives.

2024, DraftBanglaNational Biotechnology Policy - 2024

A final draft of the National Biotechnology Policy – 2024.

2024, DraftBanglaNational Biotechnology Policy - 2024 - Action Plan

A final draft of the National Biotechnology Policy – 2024 – Action Plan.


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