Environment/Biodiversity Documents

Below is a list of useful documents related to the environment and biodiversity in Bangladesh.

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  • Click here to view all documents related to biosafety regulation in Bangladesh linked on this website.

Year/StatusLanguageDocument NameDescription
2018BanglaNational Environment Policy - 2018

The National Environment Policy envisaged environment conservation, pollution control, biodiversity conservation, and mitigation of the adverse effect of climate change to ensure sustainable development.

1995EnglishBangladesh Environment Conservation Act - 1995

This Act is to provide for conservation of the environment, improvement of environmental standards and control and mitigation of environmental pollution.

2010, AmendmentBanglaBangladesh Environment Conservation Act - 2010 - Amendment

Corrections have been done to the Act no. 1 of the Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act, 1995 and published as amendment in 2010.

2017BanglaBiodiversity Act - 2017

The Act is to ensure conservation of biodiversity, the sustainable use of its components and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources.

2016EnglishNational Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan of Bangladesh - 2016-2021

National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan is the basic instrument for implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity at the national level.

2022EnglishMujib Climate Prosperity Plan 2022-2041 (English)

The Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan 2022-2041 (MCPP) was launched under Bangladesh’s second tenure as president of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) to counteract climate-induced damage and losses.

2023EnglishNational Adaptation Plan of Bangladesh 2023-2050 (English)

The National Adaptation Plan of Bangladesh 2023-2050 (NAP) aims to streamline and reinforce adaptation efforts to reduce the negative impacts of climate change and promote sustainable planning for future development.


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