Food Safety Regulatory Documents

Below is a list of useful documents related to the food safety in Bangladesh.

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  • Click here to view all documents related to biosafety regulation in Bangladesh linked on this website.

Year/StatusLanguageDocument NameDescription
2013EnglishFood Safety Act - 2013 (English)

This is an Act to make provisions for the establishment of an efficient and effective authority and for regulating activities relating to food production, import, processing, stock, supply, marketing and sales.

2013BanglaFood Safety Act - 2013 (Bangla)

This is an Act to make provisions for the establishment of an efficient and effective authority and for regulating activities relating to food production, import, processing, stock, supply, marketing and sales.

2013EnglishBangladesh Standard for Guidelines for the Safety Assessment of Foods Derived from Genetically Engineered Plants - 2013

This guideline will be used to assess GE plant products that are undergoing the GE regulatory review process (specific to food safety) in Bangladesh before they are approved for commercialization.

DraftEnglishHarmonization of Bangladesh's Food Safety Standards with Codex and other International Best Practices - Draft

Bangladesh Food Safety Authority has framed a strategy to review the food safety standards situation taking into account need to consider development of new standards and texts, where necessary.


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